Flyspray Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities (2008-02-11)

Release Date
Last Modified
Florian Schmitz </dd>
Flyspray 0.9.9 -
Vendor Status
The Flyspray project has released an updated version
Discovered by
Digital Security Research Group (DSecRG)
#### Details While Flyspray escapes all output variables by default in order to prevent this type of vulnerabilities, some more hidden problems have been found. #### Problem with SQL errors Flyspray is affected by a Cross Site scripting Vulnerability due missing escaping of SQL error messages. By including HTML code in a query and at the same time causing it to fail by submitting invalid data, an XSS hole can be exploited. #### Problem in the task history attached to comments There is an XSS problem in the task history attached to comments, since the application fails to sanitize the the *old_value* and *new_value* database fields for changed task summaries. ##### Proof of concept The Flyspray team will not release an example exploit to the public. ##### Disclosure Timeline 1. 08 February 2008 - DSecRG disclosed vulnerability at 2. 11 February 2008 - Fix committed the SVN repository 3. 24 February 2008 - Public disclosure. ##### Recommendation We strongly recommend to upgrade to the new version.